You heard right! Free Flower Fridays are coming up!
We want to be known as your go-to florist for your special events, and what better way to spread the word and get you to “like” us than to offer free flowers?
Here’s how it works: on select Fridays we will be posting a status via our Facebook page saying, “Free Flower Friday!” Look for that status, and leave your comment underneath to be entered. We will randomly choose a number and the number that corresponds with the comment poster will be the winner!
Not only will the flowers be free, but delivery is completely free as well! We will be covering the areas of Kingston, Woodstock, New Paltz, Poughkeepsie, Rhinebeck, and Redhook. So if you are living in any of those areas you are eligible to win. And yes, if Joe is the winner and he would rather have flowers sent to his girlfriend who lives in any of these areas, we can certainly arrange that!
Remember to check out our Facebook page weekly for blog updates and more Free Flower Friday opportunities!