I was so sad to hear of John Hughes’ passing last week. I grew up having sleepovers with my girlfriends and staying up until the wee hours, watching Samantha Baker stalk Jake Ryan. Yes, Sixteen Candles is still one of my all time favorite movies. Even back then I was aware of floral design, and I can still remember how it drove me crazy to see poor Samantha wearing a halo of baby’s breath, carnations and what looked like blue cornflower. Yes it was the 80’s, but still! I can also remember how Molly Ringwald’s nail polish was the most perfect color pink ever in the Breakfast Club, when she placed her diamond earring into Judd Nelson’s leather glove. I still seek out that color to this day.
Mr. Hughes managed to turn everyday life into fairytales, and I think that’s what I love so much about his films. If anyone can relate to this, I’m sure florists and those in the wedding industry can! It is such a shame that John is gone, but during his time here he sure did turn out some classic movies. He will be missed.